Food Intolerance test

Health rebates are available in clinic now with HI CAPS terminal For Acupuncture sessions


Make an Appointment

Food sensitivities can cause a wide range of symptoms and disorders. The foods that cause these delayed reactions are often hard to diagnose because of the time between consumption and the physical reaction.

By testing IgG antibody responses for 96 different foods will help to identify delayed reactions and highlight the foods that may be upsetting your digestion.   Elimination of the identified trigger foods allows the gut to reduce in pain and inflammation and begin to heal the gut lining in cases of intestinal permability (leaky gut).

The IgG food intolerance test offers a useful tool for detecting the foods causing this response. The results are patient specific and provide an easy, precise and effective starting point for dietary manipulation.   Testing can be done by spot card or blood draw. 

IgG - delayed reactions may present as:

Bloating & Gas
Acid reflux
Joint aches
Mood Changes
Brain Fog/poor cognition/memory issues 

Common conditions associated with Food intolerances left unchecked:

  • Asthma

  • Headaches

  • Eczema

  • Fatigue

  • Irritable Bowel

  • Sinusitis

  • Migraines

  • Arthritis

96 general foods IgG food intolerance testing - $270 

Make an appointment today to discuss testing options. 

*Testing is recommended for children over 18 months old.

Modern Day Women - How to avoid Nervous system Crisis: As a preventative health care approach:

As modern day women - we are busier than ever! Somedays it feels that we have had a full day of run arounds before we even sit down at our desk to start work!

There are two sides to the Nervous system - Sympathetic nervous system: Flight or fight and the Parasympathetic nervous system: Rest and digest.

We generally spend more time in our sympathetic nervous system/flight or fight even when we exercise we are in our flight or fight we are constantly switched on.

Why is this not a good thing? - The flight and fight system keeps our cortisol levels elevated: which is our essential survival hormone but too much wrecks havoc on our hormone system and further more can create inflammation in the body.

When our nervous system is in over drive flight and fight our Adrenal system is working harder than it should be to keep up with all the elevated cortisol.

We've all heard the term "Burn out" before!

How to avoid Nervous system Crisis - As a preventative health care approach:


Choose a diet that is a good clean unprocessed wholefoods diet, one that is rich in colour and full of antioxidants - fresh veggies/fruit and good quality proteins.

Stay Hydrated aiming for 1-2 litres of filtered water in a day

Intermittent fasting isn't for everyone, if you are already depleted I would suggest now is not the right time! Eat consistently and adopt conscious eating - chew well! This will aid digestion, nutrient absorption and reduce bloating. *It may be time for a reset!


Our bodies love routine, aim to get to bed by 10pm. Incorporate good sleep hygiene practices for a deeper sleep.

warm bath before bed with epsom salts and lavender oil

Phones away and switched to airplane mode.


When you are well rested you are more likely to move your body more - this gains strength, stamina, builds muscle and bone density all important for ageing well.


Tune into your energy levels and build stamina slowly, Incorporate the exercise that you enjoy doing: walking, swimming, bushwalking, bike riding.


Yoga is a great way to rebalance the nervous system back into rest and digest mode. Nurtures Mind, Body & Soul.


Along with Yoga, regular massages is another nurturing modality to drop you back into rest and digest mode. Aim to schedule a massage every 1-2 months.


Take a break - plan that holiday, head away with your girlfriends for some care free fun that overfills your joy cup again!


Fill your tool box up with all of your self nurture tools - you have the power within yourself to help self regulate when needed. Deep breathing and try some: EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique for grounding yourself back into your body when you are experiencing overwhelm.



Try Acupuncture - which supports balancing the nervous system, women's hormones - regulating cycle, digestive issues, sleep and insomnia, anxiety & weight management.

Nurture & Nourishment - Self Care

EVERYTHING IN MODERATION & BALANCE is the take home message for today and if you are feeling any of the signs and symptoms mentioned above from a nervous system in crisis it may be time for a reset in Diet and lifestyle approaches - make an appointment and start your journey back to vitality!

Acupuncture or self-administered Acupressure for anxiety relief

Anxiety is a condition that is recognised as becoming a very common disorder impacting on both mental and physical conditions (Kwon & Lee, 2018).  Currently anxiety disorders amounts as the largest group of psychological disorders with a prevalence of 7.6% in countries such as China alone (Yang et al., 2021).

Anxiety is characterised as a sensation or feeling that is an unpleasant anticipation or a response to stress from a perceived threat.  Symptoms associated with anxiety are manifested as:  excessive worry, or tension felt through the muscles and/or jaw, fatigue, insomnia, increased heart rate, and sweating.  Higher states of anxiety are associated with:  headaches, nausea and an inability to concentrate (Au et al., 2015). 

Current conventional treatments and methods for managing anxiety include the administration of pharmacological medications and/or psychological interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).  However, the present mainstream treatments are not always risk free with medications having many known side effects and CBT offering only transient therapy at times (Au et al., 2015). 

Research into acupuncture or acupressure within clinical settings are showing promising results for the efficacy and safety as alternatives or adjunct therapies in supporting the reduction and management of anxiety presentations (Au et al., 2015).

In addition to acupuncture where fine needles are inserted into acupoints, acupressure is another method that can be used.  Acupressure is defined as pressure applied to acupoints rather than needling used in acupuncture therapy. It has become an increasingly popular technique due to being non-invasive and can be administered to all age groups and also has the advantage of once being shown how to appropriately apply can be self-administered.  Clinically, acupressure has a broad application and can be utilised for conditions such as:  pain management, insomnia, dyspnoea, nausea and vomiting (Au et al., 2015).

A Systematic review from 2015 by AU et al. showed collated research from five Random Control Trials (RCTs) showed positive benefits of acupressure, providing immediate relief in the reduction of anxiety when administered to patients experiencing anxiety from pre-surgery anticipation.  Although, the review was small in numbers it was considered the trials themselves were well reported with low risk of bias (Au et al., 2015).

Another review study of 2018 by Kwon and Lee supports the benefits of either acupuncture or acupressure when applied to patients with preoperative anticipatory anxiety and reported of the five RCTs reviewed all subjects self-reported positive outcomes in the reduction of anxiety. The study also states larger trials are required in this area.  The Main acupoint utilised was yintang  (EX-HN 3) located between the eyebrows, an acupoint known to have a calming and stabilising effect.  The study reports the benefits of ease in which parents of children awaiting surgery can administer a specific acupuncture sticker on EX-HN 3 to induce a calming effect ­­­(Kwon & Lee, 2018). Another commonly used point known for its calming effect is HT7 the seventh point of the heart meridian, shown to having a balancing action on GABA and serotonin systems.  The point is located at the ulnar aspect at the transverse crease of the wrist making it accessible for self-administered acupressure or applying stick on acupoint seeds that can be stimulated by the user (Son, 2019). 

Auricular acupuncture acupoints Shenmen and Relaxation have also shown positive benefits in reducing anxiety in a preoperative setting (Tu et al., 2019).  A 2001 study by wang and Kain divided a group of 55 subjects into 3 randomised groups – 1 x Shenmen acupoint group, 1 x Relaxation acupoint group and the other the Sham acupoint group.  The points can be seen below in Fig 1.  Following the study the authors concluded there was a significant benefit of auricular acupuncture for the reduction of anxiety using press acupuncture needles over a 48 hour period (Wang & Kain, 2001).

A more recent systematic review of 2021 presented by Yang et al. reviewed twenty (RCTs) for the efficacy of acupuncture for patients suffering from generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).  The review concluded that acupuncture therapy was more effective in reducing anxiety compared to the control group.  Although, it also concluded that more quality randomised control trials were needed in this area to reveal and to see the full benefits that acupuncture and acupressure can provide in the treatment of anxiety disorders (Yang et al., 2021). 

From the above it can be seen that acupuncture and acupressure certainly can provide an alternative or as an adjunct to current therapies that are cost effective, easily accessible and have no or minimal side effects. Both acupuncture and acupressure have been shown to be safe with reports of efficacy in supporting and managing anxiety disorders with the added advantage of acupressure, where the patient can self administer when feeling overwhelmed



Self - administered anytime and anywhere. Learning how to self nurture

Refresh & Restart

Offering both Naturopathic Consultations & Acupuncture:

Offering unique treatment sessions that encompass in depth care tailored and individualised to your presentations.  You can choose either Naturopathic consultations or Acupuncture to get started we can then discuss the best forms of treatment (or both) in supporting you back to vitality. 

The benefits of Acupuncture & Naturopathy: 

  • Low energy & Chronic fatigue 

  • Insomnia & sleep issues 

  • Pain management - Reduce inflammation, sciatica, lower back pain, shoulder, hip & knee issues 

  • mental health and emotional well-being: supporting the nervous system - anxiety, low mood, depression

  • Seasonal allergies & Hayfever 

  • Strengthen immunity & chronic health conditions

  • Preconception & fertility issues/PCOS/endometriosis

  • women's health -  Hormone balancing & supporting Menstrual cycles

  • pregnancy - breech & post partum care

  • General Well-being & Vitality

  • Support with addiction & stop smoking practitioner quality supplements - Expiry Reminder

Scripts dispensed via *practitioner only supplements will expire within 12 months.  If you have expiring scripts or need a review of supplement updates - please book in for an assessment to see if this supplement is the best for you right now or if things have changed for you.

Now that we are nearing the end of Summer and our festive season we will all start retreating inwards - a great time for shedding and renewal.  Time for rebalancing digestion and focus on maintaining vitality. 

For existing Naturopath patients - you will receive 20% discount off your first initial acupuncture session!

For Naturopathy returns - If it has been over 12 months since your last consult you will need to book a longer appointment session.   

Business as usual until further notice ...


Optimise Immune Vitality - your greatest defence against the seasons

Are you someone that gets sick every change of season?Or if you've come in contact with someone that is ill?


By strengthening and optimising your immune system now you can start to break the cycle and let your immune system ward off all that you come in contact with.

Best Immune Hacks!

Washing your hands regularly helps to stop the spread of infections

If you have gut issues chances are this has slowly chipped away at your immune system - good gut health creates a great defence

Arm yourself with supportive nutrients to create an armour against those bad bugs!

Beneficial Naturopathic immune supports involves an assessment of immune responses acute and chronic presentations based on thorough case history taking.


You can now make a booking online at:  Phone consultations are available and may be booked online via the below website - if you are unsure please phone me: 0433048430

Copyright © 2019, Nicola Pilon Naturopath, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Naturopathic Fertility Support

Naturopathic approaches greatly supports optimal fertility outcomes for couples. Working with both male and females in improving sperm count, motility, morphology (shape) and DNA integrity and for women improve egg quality for conception and best outcome pregnancies.
Naturopathy also works in support of IVF positive outcomes - managing and reducing stress around cycles. Working in collaboration with your clinic for best healthcare support.

One door closes and another opens...

2019 has been a busy year for me with returning to study and I can hardly believe already one year down for my
*Masters of Acupuncture*
with another 2 to go!
It is for this reason I have decided to direct my energy into the one clinic.

I will now be operating from my Bendigo clinic space only - Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays. For my clients in Castlemaine alternate arrangements can be made if necessary. 

If it's been awhile since you've had a Naturopathic assessment now is a great time to get your gut balanced and geared up for the festive season ahead.

You can now book online using the below link:

Phone today and ask to have your ongoing practitioner only prescription set up for ordering and delivery if travelling long distances.  
M:  0433048430

On the right path!

Around this time every year I would consider myself to be a little more in tune with my environment than the year before… What do I mean by this?

As a health practitioner I ask my clients to tune in to how they are feeling in their body, how is your gut feeling, what are your energy levels like, mood, hormones, allergy responses. I also do this in the home with myself and my family.

It is also around this time that I notice that everyone in the house starts to feel a bit flat and this is probably a response to what seems like an endless winter.

It’s the time of the year that we all yearn for sunny days and to leave the doors wide open - let the sun in and freshen up our environment that has been closed up for last 4 months!

Just like our living environment our body needs a good freshen up - it’s time to start thinking of the spring cleanse protocols - I like to assign October/November for this a 30 day reset.

This year I have been considering more about how we are so effected by our immediate environment and how this impacts on our health - especially gut/immune health.

Why would you do a gut cleanse detox on your body but not on your house?

Every time I put a dishwasher cube in the dishwasher I think “ there has to be a better product out there” something that will be effective for cleaning, stand up as an eco product and not strip all the microbes out of our gut via our dishes! During my research I have found that this is actually a pretty big issue and studies have found that using harsh chemical detergents contribute to the loss of bacterial diversity that makes up our microbiome.

This September I will be doing a detox overhaul on my home environment which will be replacing all my cleaning, laundry and hair/body products to no nonsense toxic and chemical free products that make me and my environment sparkle with joy and health!

If you want to join me on my detox overhaul journey and do the same for your family and home environment make a booking and let’s get the ball rolling now!

A sharp change in the seasons!

Winter is a time for tuning into our bodies needs

  • Create a warm and nourishing environment: use this time to connect with family

  • Get into routine again: dinners with family, warm bath with epsom salts and an early night

  • At the first sign of illness: take action - rest and support your immune system (herbal/vitamin supplemental support - nip it quickly rather than powering on through, your body is telling you something)

  • Dress appropriately for the season: Keep warm by rugging up, keep a jacket in the car, wear a beanie and a scarf around your neck helps to protect your energy resources resistance against the elements

  • Investigate and assess your immune system: Are you someone that gets recurrent sickness with every change in seasons - if so, now is the time to reach out for support with a Naturopathic assessment to see what is impacting on your immune defences and why they are weakened

Rebalancing and supporting women through all life stages - from fertility/pregnancy/hormonal regulation through to the transitional wise woman and beyond - make an appointment today and start feeling well again!

In clinic the most common phrases that I hear are listed below:

I’m just so busy at the moment

Where has all the time gone in the day

I can’t think straight

I never do anything for myself

I’m tired, anxious strung out and feeling overwhelmed

By stopping and taking a moment to breathe we can create space we can feel clearer and more energised. Use the following links as a start point in seeing what works for you, what is doable in your day. Make it your ritual/ your full stop and breathing point

The first steps of embracing Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - 5mins

The Tapping Solution: Used for overwhelm and Anxiety

Assisting rebalancing of the nervous system - moving out of Sympathetic Nervous System (flight, fright, freeze) - 12mins

Start your day with balance clarity and feel energised: Morning Qi Gong 10mins