
Cupping as a therapy

Traditional techniques to support the release of tension in the muscles and promoting blood circulation throughout the body to reduce pain and inflammation.


CUpping used with or without acupuncture and tui na massage

A traditional technique that can be used in combination with acupuncture or tui na *Chinese massage or used simply by itself.

The practice uses heated fire cups to create a suction lifting the superficial skin to promote blood circulation, reducing pain and inflammation.

Cupping can also be used to release toxins from the tissues, releasing pathogens from the body. And is beneficial in flushing out toxins from the lymphatic system and is sometimes used in reducing cellulite therapy.

Following treatment - a red or purple mark may be left as a result of treatment which may represent an accumulation of toxins that the therapy is moving out of stagnation.

The treatment is very relaxing and can bring alot of relief to tightened muscles.